Young kids sitting on chairs in a circle

Teen Advisory Board (TAB)

Next Meeting: Sept. 23 | 7:00 PM

Join TAB today! Be part of a group of young adults who help the library brainstorm new ideas, run programs, give input on books and more. Contact us today to sign up!

TAB meets the fourth Monday of every month at 7:00 pm.

Teen Digital Library

E-books and e-audiobooks for young adults. Read or listen using the free, user-friendly Libby app on your device.

I Have An Idea!

What programs and/or activities would you like us to have?

Homework Help

Affordable Colleges Online

Learning Express Library

Online tutorials, practice tests, and e-books to help you prepare for tests and increase your school and career skills.

Affordable Colleges Online


Reliable information on a wide range of subjects including art and music, language arts, history, social studies, world cultures, science, math, health, sports and more.

Affordable Colleges Online


Wisconsin’s Digital Library. Trustworthy resources to help you with school or to help feed your curiosity.

College & Job Resources

Affordable Colleges Online

College Scorecard

Search colleges using the U.S. Deptarment of Education’s College Scorecard.

Find the right fit. Search and compare colleges: their fields of study, costs, admissions, results, and more.

Apprenticeship, finding the career for you, start training and learn more about paying for college. 

Affordable Colleges Online

Get Ready for College

Are you a student? A parent? Want to know how to prepare for college or career school?

Get checklists with the steps you can take to help your (or your child’s) chances of getting into—and being able to afford—the school of your choice.

Affordable Colleges Online


Federal Student Aid. Financial aid for college or graduate school.

Check to see if your school or soon-to-be school is accredited.

You are not alone

You are not alone. Would you like to talk to someone?

If you need to talk or text with someone for support right away, please use these 24/7 resources: