About the Library
To support lifelong learning, provide free access to diverse materials and resources and create educational, recreational, and cultural opportunities for the community.
To be a center for information and community, where people of all ages come to learn, discover, and connect.
Intellectual Freedom
Lifelong Learning
Customer Experience
Visits to the Library
Items checked out
Library Card Sign-ups
Program Attendance
Great to See You!
Visits increased 12%! You visited us at the library for things such as checking out materials, faxing, printing, studying, and attending programs.
Checkouts on the Rise
The number of items checked out at our library continues to increase. This includes both physical items and e-materials.
259 people signed up for library cards this year. Library cards give you access to books, wi-fi hotspots, Rokus, snowshoes, e-books/audiobooks and so much more!
Joining In
Program attendance increased by 90%! We offered 332 in-person programs and outreach opportunities to the community.
Library Shelf Upgrade
In October, we got NEW shelves! They add more space and light to the library space. Picture books have more display area and are easy to flip through.

Dear Terrific Staff, you guys make our day! Thank you for your great work. We always look forward to going to the library and bringing our books home.
“I love this library, it’s warm. The staff is wonderful. If they don’t have something, they will try to order it for you.”
I love Storytime with Miss Sam! I love coming to the library. visiting with the librarians, playing with the toys and picking out books!
A History of the Prescott Public Library
A library was opened in 1855 for general reading, the Transcript announced, adding “the public is indebted chiefly to the ladies.” George M. Oakley was librarian. The library was open from 3 to 4 p.m., on Friday, and patrons were expected to pay 10 cents for each book drawn. There were 130 volumes.
On Feb. 14, 1857, the Prescott Library was officially organized, and open from 6 to 9 on Saturday evening. Officers were Rev. Richard Hall, G.M. Oakley, P. Felt, J.M. Bailey, J.M. McKee, J.S. Ayres, and A. Young. J.W. Hill was librarian.
A year later, however, a notice appeared in the Transcript: “Lost, Prescott Library known to be in existence a year ago with 200 books. Does anyone know its whereabouts?” The next week James W. Hill reported that it was at his office above the Mammoth Store.
In 1866 the library was removed to the school house and opened every Friday at 4 p.m. There were 284 volumes. Annual dues were 50 cents.
The Library moved into other locations until 1887 when the association disbanded and the books were divided among members.
On June 18, 1900, The Prescott Public Library Association was formed. R.B. MacLean and Dr. George M. Dill were officers, Oliver Gibbs, librarian. In 1932, Miss Mary Johnson gifted the library $1,000, a donation that permanently secured a library for the City. The library was housed in what is now the Welcome and Heritage Center on Broad Street. In 1990 the library moved to the new city hall on Borner Street.
–“A History of Prescott, Wisconsin” by Dorothy Eaton Ahlgren and Mary Cotter Beeler.