MORE Services Unavailable March 25

MORE Services Unavailable March 25

On Tuesday, March 25th, the MORE Catalog, app, self-checkout stations and the public computers at our library (and all MORE-member libraries) will be unavailable for most of the day. Users will also not be able to log into services like Libby or MORE from home. The...
Your Next Read Resource

Your Next Read Resource

Discover Your Next Favorite Book with the Library’s “Your Next Read” Resource Are you staring at your bookshelf, unsure of which book to pick up next? Or maybe you’re looking to start reading but feel overwhelmed by all the choices out there....
Tax Forms Available

Tax Forms Available

It’s that time of year again—tax season is upon us! Whether you’re filing your taxes for the first time or you’re a seasoned pro, gathering the right forms can sometimes feel like a daunting task. But did you know that your local library is here to help?...
Library Text Notifications

Library Text Notifications

Starting January 28, the library will be adding a new texting service for library notifications. Any texts you get from the library about holds and due dates will now come from the number 844-218-6064. What you need to know: There are 3 notifications options available...
What’s Your Story?

What’s Your Story?

5 minutes. One question. Huge impact. Our elected officials and funders need to hear from you! Tell them how the library helps you and your community. We’ve made it so easy! Use the online form to tell us your story. We’ll do the rest. Short or long, your story makes...