Borrowing Library Items
3 week checkout = Books (fiction & non-fiction), Audiobooks, Music CDs, Park Packs (park passes), Playaways, Care Kits, Puzzles
2 week checkout = New Fiction books, TV series, Hotspots, Roku Streaming Devices, Electric Usage Meters
1 week checkout = DVDs, Magazines, Videogames, Launchpads, Chromebooks
Varied checkout = Items outside of our system (ILL)
Note: Late fees are still applied to the following equipment: Wi-Fi Hotspots ($5/day), Launchpads ($1/day) and Rokus ($1/day).
- Please bring your library card with you to check out items. Forget your physical card? Download the MORE Libraries app and show us your library card on your phone.
- Items that have been placed on hold by another patron may not be renewed.
- You may checkout up to 200 items.
- You may place holds on up to 100 items.
How to Create a MORE Account
Creating a MORE Account is Free. All you need is a library card. Search for items from the comfort of your home or on-the-go using the MORE app and have it all sent right to your library.
Returning Library Items
- Book drops are located on the East side of the building by the parking lot, as well as inside the library.
- Please return Wi-Fi Hotspots, Launchpads, Chromebooks, Electric Usage Meters and other large items, such as book club kits, big books or storytime kits inside the library.
- You can return items (except Wi-Fi Hotspots, Launchpads, Chromebooks, kits and ILLs) to any MORE member library.
How to Renew items
- Renew using the MORE Libraries mobile app.
- Renew online using the MORE Online Catalog.
- Select Log In/My More then select Log In/Register to sign in with your barcode and PIN number.
- Call the library 715-262-5555 or email us at during business hours.
- Renew over the phone with 1-866-MY RENEW (1-866-697-3639). You will need your library card number and the barcode number on each item.
How to Pay a Fee Using Your MORE Account
Want to pay a fee with your credit card? Find out how.