Borrowing Library Items

3 week checkout = Books (fiction & non-fiction), Audiobooks, Music CDs, Park Packs (park passes), Playaways, Care Kits, Puzzles

2 week checkout = New Fiction books, TV series, Hotspots, Roku Streaming Devices, Electric Usage Meters

1 week checkout = DVDs, Magazines, Videogames, Launchpads, Chromebooks

Varied checkout = Items outside of our system (ILL)

Note: Late fees are still applied to the following equipment: Wi-Fi Hotspots ($5/day), Launchpads ($1/day) and Rokus ($1/day).


How to Create a MORE Account

Creating a MORE Account is Free. All you need is a library card. Search for items from the comfort of your home or on-the-go using the MORE app and have it all sent right to your library.

Returning Library Items

  • Book drops are located on the East side of the building by the parking lot, as well as inside the library.
  • Please return Wi-Fi Hotspots, Launchpads, Chromebooks, Electric Usage Meters and other large items, such as book club kits, big books or storytime kits inside the library. 
  • You can return items (except Wi-Fi Hotspots, Launchpads, Chromebooks, kits and ILLs) to any MORE member library.

How to Renew items

  1. Renew using the MORE Libraries mobile app. 
  2. Renew online using the MORE Online Catalog.
    1. Select Log In/My More then select Log In/Register to sign in with your barcode and PIN number.
  3. Call the library 715-262-5555 or email us at  during business hours.
  4. Renew over the phone with 1-866-MY RENEW (1-866-697-3639). You will need your library card number and the barcode number on each item.


How to Pay a Fee Using Your MORE Account

Want to pay a fee with your credit card? Find out how