Calling all school-aged patrons (preK-12)! If you combine the magic of Letters to Santa with the fun of Blind Date with a Book, what do you get? It’s not a joke. It’s Letters to a Librarian!

Write a letter to Lady Librarian this holiday season and include your name, age/grade level, and favorite book topics (include caregiver’s name on the letter to ensure a library card is on file). Starting December 16th, our library elves will match you with 2-3 gift wrapped library books they are sure you will enjoy leading up to Christmas and New Years!

Letters can be sent between December 2nd and 13th:

  • By mail directly to the library (address it to “Lady Librarian c/o Prescott Public Library, 800 Borner St N, Prescott, WI 54021”).
  • Dropped off in-person using the red Lady Librarian dropbox
  • Submitted online>>

You will receive an email to confirm when books are ready for pickup. A family member must have a library card on file to participate. Books will be checked out to your library card.